Religious Television Stations TV Channels

Free Internet TV > Religious Television Stations

Channel Stream Country Description
Hosanna TV 141K Panama Christian television station broadcasting from 6 am EST until midnight.
Bethel 300K Peru Christian TV.
JN19 TV 141K Peru Religious TV from Lima.
The Old Path 128K Philippines The Old Path TV is the pioneering Philippine religious Web site which offers comprehensive archive of digitized video and live webcasts using streaming media for a dedicated 24/7 broadcasts in the digital broadband space since 2001.
Truth Caster 115K Philippines Discussion of truths about our present milieu, society and faith.
UNTV 75K Philippines Balanced, quality programming, value-laden shows, and public service.
TV Trwam 200K Poland Religieus Programma met Nieuws.
Mana Sat 128K Portugal Christian channel.
Mana Sat 2 86K Portugal Christian channel.
CDM 93K Puerto Rico With its live shows La Cadena del Milagro Internacional (CDM Internacional) strives to bring the message of salvation to Puerto Rico and each corner of the world and "To go everywhere and to preach the gospel to all creature".
Iglesia de Dios 143K Puerto Rico Christian TV station from Manati, P.R.
Mega TV 100K Puerto Rico Christian TV station.
NCN 100K Puerto Rico Christian family TV.
Teleadoracion 144K Puerto Rico Christian channel.
Speranta TV 500K Romania Christian TV channel.
Iqraa TV 100K Saudi Arabia Islamic channel.
Divine Truth 150K South Africa Christian channel.
Spirit World 143K South Africa Christian channel.
Cetelmon 100K Spain Christian TV from La Paz.
Fuego TV 100K Spain Christian TV station.
TV Amistad 250K Spain Religious TV channel.
DKNET 350K Sweden Christian TV station.
Kanal 10 512K Sweden Christian TV station.
Good TV 141K Taiwan Religious TV.
DMC 450K Thailand Dhammakaya Foundation media channel.
Hakk TV 100K Turkey Religious TV.
GOD TV 250K United Kingdom Christian Channel.
INI TV 300K United Kingdom Inspiration Network International (INI) is the newest network of The Inspiration Networks, based in Charlotte, North Carolina (USA). It features original music programs, children’s shows, and teen programs, and a variety of respected ministry programmin
Islam Channel 100K United Kingdom Islamic satellite channel located in the UK.
MTA 300K United Kingdom Ahmadi Religious TV-Station broadcasting from UK but in different languages.
MTA 3 Al Arabiyah 273K United Kingdom Religious TV channel.
MTA Muslim TV 300K United Kingdom Religious TV channel.
Premier TV website United Kingdom Christian TV.
Revelation TV 391K United Kingdom Revelation TV's flagship TV programme includes "World in Focus" and the remarkable live night-time vigil "The Voice in the Wilderness". Other programmes unique to the channel include "Testimony Time", on Tuesday lunchtimes, when Elena Angelides interviews
Webtv 400K United Kingdom WWEBTV is streaming the love of God in different languages and cultures. Programming is currently available in the following languages: English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu."
Shepherds Chapel 45K USA The Shepherd's Chapel in Gravette, AR, presents our Father's Word on their daily "live" Bible study hour between 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. central time.
TBN 500K USA Religious network, located in Santa Ana.
Superchannel WACX 100K USA Live prayers from Orlando.
WCLF 100K USA Christian Television Network.
BCTV website USA Catholic TV.
Greater Grace 145K USA Christian TV station from Baltimore.
SBN 100K USA Christian channel.
WHTV 45K USA WHT TV offers a blend of Christian programming (South Bend, Indiana).
770 Live 300K USA Live Synagogue in Crown Heights. One of the most famous synagogues in new york.
Unity Broadcasting 45K USA Christian television station located in the rural Mississippi town of Fulton.
GBN TV 222K USA Gospel Broadcasting Network's mission is to establish in viewers of all ages a strong belief in the existence of God through a heavy concentration of Christian evidences.
GEB 200K USA Golden Eagle Broadcasting is dedicated to bringing a positive alternative to mainstream television programming. As part of its Family Safe programming, Golden Eagle offers the finest in Christian programming.
KGEB TV-53 350K USA Religious TV.
BYU TV 273K USA The content carried on BYU Television comes primarily from campuses of Brigham Young University and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Additional content is provided by independent producers and Bonneville International.
Lakewood website USA Christelijke zender.
Mizpa TV 512K USA Spaans Christelijke TV.
WJDW 330K USA Religieuze zender.
3ABN 300K USA 3ABN is Christian Television for the entire family. Three Angels Broadcasting Network is a nonprofit organization with the vision to 'Mend Broken People' through the powerful messages of God's Word. 3ABN ministry accomplishes this goal with a 24-hour-a-da
Al Karma TV 273K USA Arabic Christian TV.
Almavison 311K USA Almavision is a Hispanic Christian Internet TV station located in Los Angeles, California, braodcasting live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Calvary Chapel 290K USA Christian tv station.
CBN Espanol 716K USA Christian television channel.
CBN Live 716K USA Christian television channel.
ChurchChannel 300K USA The Church Channel is an American multi-denominational religious network that features church service programs 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
CTNi 331K USA International edition of the American Christian Network.
CTVN 150K USA Christian TV Network.
Daystar 500K USA Christian TV station.
Dr Gene Scott 80K USA Dr. Gene Scott (Ph.D. Stanford University) is the Pastoring Teacher of the University Cathedral in Los Angeles, California. He teaches on subjects ranging from Basic Christianity, to Atlantis, to the Pyramids.
EWTN 500K USA Religious TV Station. Stream 1 is Spanish. Stream 2 is English.
GLC 300K USA Christian TV.
GOD TV 291K USA Christian Channel.
His Channel 680K USA Bible teaching.
Hope TV 200K USA Christian television network.
JCTV 291K USA Christian music.
Liberty Channel 350K USA Christian TV station.
LLBN 102K USA Loma Linda Broadcasting Network's (LLBN) mission is serving God by reaching His children with quality programming produced for all age groups, to challenge their minds with meaningful information, touch their hearts with inspirational thoughts and share H
TBN Enlace 291K USA A spanish language Christian Network.
TCT 300K USA Christian TV channel.
Telegracia 377K USA Christian TV (spanish) from Miami.
Telerestauracion 273K USA Hispanic Christian TV.
WFK Channel 300K USA Christian channel.
Sat2000 300K Vatican City Catholic channel.
Vatican TV 200K Vatican City Only transmitting during some parts of the day when there is activity in the Vatican City. :: christian internet tv channels :: religious tv stations :: youtubes at homes videos at dishs channels tvs 101s tvs channels at logos :: Christian Internet TV :: free christian tv stations :: free christian internet tv :: christian tv stations :: youtubes homes videos dishs at channels tvs 101s tvs channels at at logos :: free internet tv stations
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