Free TV Channels in Chile

Free Internet TV > Chile

Channel Stream Description
Canal_13 115K Canal 13 broadcasts news, sports, documentaries and more, live from Santiago, Chile.
Canal_13 Cable 115K Canal 13 broadcasts news, sports, documentaries and more, live from Santiago, Chile.
Canal_2 Temuco 331K University television station from Temuco.
Canal_54 398K General TV station.
Canal_81 280K General TV station.
CDtv 193K Politics, Live Sessions, Civics shows, News, Classical Music.
Chilevision 145K Located in Santiago.
Enlace TBN website Religious channel.
Iquique Canal 10 108K General TV Station from Rancagua.
Mega TV website Not alway's online.
Nuevo Tiempo 121K Christian TV station.
RTC 1000K Local TV from Iquique.
Senado 141K View into the senat. Not always live.
Telecanal 220K Channel 2 from Santiago de Chile.
TV Chile 273K General TV station.
TV mas canal 22 102K General TV station.
TVN 225K TVN is the public TV channel of Chile. TVN informs viewers about Chile's culture, society, economy, religion and politics, and entertains with talk shows and soap operas.
UCVTV 45K Corporación de Televisión de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, UCV TV, is the oldest TV channel of Chile. It mostly airs documentaries and some low budget entertainment TV shows.
Uniacc 273K University television station from Santiago.
VTV2 321K Sometimes online.

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