General TV Channels

Free Internet TV > General

Channel Stream Country Description
ATV 273K Andorra General TV station.
ABS 250K Antigua & Barbuda General TV Station.
Canal_3 100K Argentina General TV station.
Canal_7 134K Argentina General TV station.
Horizon TV 350K Armenia General TV station.
Altermedia website Bosnia & Herzegovina General TV station.
RTBN 275K Bosnia & Herzegovina General TV station.
RTRS TV 160K Bosnia & Herzegovina General TV station.
Vikom TV 135K Bosnia & Herzegovina General TV station from Banja Luka.
Amaury JR 300K Brazil General TV station from Sao Paulo.
Difusora Sul 65K Brazil General TV station.
Globo TV website Brazil General TV station.
Just TV 141K Brazil General TV station.
Rede TV Viana 141K Brazil General TV station.
SescTV 100K Brazil General TV station.
Transamerica TV 134K Brazil General TV station.
TV Brasilia 60K Brazil General TV station.
TV Goiania 134K Brazil General TV station.
TV Midia 87K Brazil General TV station from Sao Paulo.
TV Promur 110K Brazil General TV station.
TV Transamerica 116K Brazil General TV station.
TVCom 273K Brazil General TV station.
Via Morena 100K Brazil General TV station.
BN 24 international 1647K Brunei Darussalam General TV station.
7 DNI TV 1119K Bulgaria General TV station.
Zdrave 1119K Bulgaria General TV station.
Radio Canada (RDI) 500K Canada General TV station.
Canal_54 398K Chile General TV station.
Canal_81 280K Chile General TV station.
Iquique Canal 10 108K Chile General TV Station from Rancagua.
TV Chile 273K Chile General TV station.
TV mas canal 22 102K Chile General TV station.
QTV-1 150K China General TV station from Qingdao.
RedTV 232K Colombia General TV station.
RWC 138K Colombia General TV station from Santa Marta, Magdalena.
BRN TV 225K Congo General TV station.
Congoweb TV 62K Congo General TV station.
Canal_13 300K Costa Rica General TV station.
Extra Canal 42 100K Costa Rica General TV station.
HTV 1 250K Croatia General TV station.
Cyprus ITV website Cyprus General TV station.
TV Prima website Czech Republic General entertainment (Recorded streams available on website).
TVNOVA website Czech Republic General entertainment. Recorded streams available on website.
DR 1 950K Denmark General TV station.
DR 2 950K Denmark General TV station.
Digital 15 143K Dominican Republic General TV station.
Domincan York TV 331K Dominican Republic General TV station.
Microvision Canal 10 141K Dominican Republic General TV station.
Peravia Vision 141K Dominican Republic General TV station.
TCD Canal 12 273K Dominican Republic General TV station.
Telecentro 496K Dominican Republic General TV station.
Telemicro 200K Dominican Republic General TV station.
TRA 45 41K Dominican Republic General TV station located in Santo Domingo.
Nile TV Int 90K Egypt General TV station.
Agape TV 100K El Salvador General TV station.
Canal_12 website El Salvador General TV station.
Canal_21 273K El Salvador General TV station.
Direct 8 210K France General TV station from the group Bollere.
TF1 464K France General TV station.
Alpha TV 280K Greece General TV station.
ANT1 280K Greece General TV station.
Mega TV 270K Greece General TV station.
Skai website Greece General TV station.
Star TV 200K Greece General TV station.
Thraki Net 172K Greece General TV station located at Alexandroupolis.
Guatevision 80K Guatemala General TV station.
Bamboch TV 315K Haiti General Web TV station.
RTH 2000 400K Haiti General TV station.
RTPI 273K Haiti General TV station.
Tele Panou 273K Haiti General TV station.
TeleProgreso 153K Honduras General TV station.
HKATV website Hong Kong General TV station with recorded news.
Duna II Autonomia 300K Hungary General TV station.
Pecs TV 200K Hungary General TV from Pecs.
RTL Klub website Hungary General entertainment.
Supernet Piros 500K Hungary General Internet TV station.
NDTV website India General TV station with recorded news.
Raj TV 273K India General TV station.
AFNL 37K Iran General TV station.
Markazi TV 222K Iran General TV station.

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