General TV Channels
Free Internet TV > General

Channel | Stream | Country | Description |
ATV | 273K | Andorra | General TV station. |
ABS | 250K | Antigua & Barbuda | General TV Station. |
Canal_3 | 100K | Argentina | General TV station. |
Canal_7 | 134K | Argentina | General TV station. |
Horizon TV | 350K | Armenia | General TV station. |
Altermedia | website | Bosnia & Herzegovina | General TV station. |
RTBN | 275K | Bosnia & Herzegovina | General TV station. |
RTRS TV | 160K | Bosnia & Herzegovina | General TV station. |
Vikom TV | 135K | Bosnia & Herzegovina | General TV station from Banja Luka. |
Amaury JR | 300K | Brazil | General TV station from Sao Paulo. |
Difusora Sul | 65K | Brazil | General TV station. |
Globo TV | website | Brazil | General TV station. |
Just TV | 141K | Brazil | General TV station. |
Rede TV Viana | 141K | Brazil | General TV station. |
SescTV | 100K | Brazil | General TV station. |
Transamerica TV | 134K | Brazil | General TV station. |
TV Brasilia | 60K | Brazil | General TV station. |
TV Goiania | 134K | Brazil | General TV station. |
TV Midia | 87K | Brazil | General TV station from Sao Paulo. |
TV Promur | 110K | Brazil | General TV station. |
TV Transamerica | 116K | Brazil | General TV station. |
TVCom | 273K | Brazil | General TV station. |
Via Morena | 100K | Brazil | General TV station. |
BN 24 international | 1647K | Brunei Darussalam | General TV station. |
7 DNI TV | 1119K | Bulgaria | General TV station. |
Zdrave | 1119K | Bulgaria | General TV station. |
Radio Canada (RDI) | 500K | Canada | General TV station. |
Canal_54 | 398K | Chile | General TV station. |
Canal_81 | 280K | Chile | General TV station. |
Iquique Canal 10 | 108K | Chile | General TV Station from Rancagua. |
TV Chile | 273K | Chile | General TV station. |
TV mas canal 22 | 102K | Chile | General TV station. |
QTV-1 | 150K | China | General TV station from Qingdao. |
RedTV | 232K | Colombia | General TV station. |
RWC | 138K | Colombia | General TV station from Santa Marta, Magdalena. |
BRN TV | 225K | Congo | General TV station. |
Congoweb TV | 62K | Congo | General TV station. |
Canal_13 | 300K | Costa Rica | General TV station. |
Extra Canal 42 | 100K | Costa Rica | General TV station. |
HTV 1 | 250K | Croatia | General TV station. |
Cyprus ITV | website | Cyprus | General TV station. |
TV Prima | website | Czech Republic | General entertainment (Recorded streams available on website). |
TVNOVA | website | Czech Republic | General entertainment. Recorded streams available on website. |
DR 1 | 950K | Denmark | General TV station. |
DR 2 | 950K | Denmark | General TV station. |
Digital 15 | 143K | Dominican Republic | General TV station. |
Domincan York TV | 331K | Dominican Republic | General TV station. |
Microvision Canal 10 | 141K | Dominican Republic | General TV station. |
Peravia Vision | 141K | Dominican Republic | General TV station. |
TCD Canal 12 | 273K | Dominican Republic | General TV station. |
Telecentro | 496K | Dominican Republic | General TV station. |
Telemicro | 200K | Dominican Republic | General TV station. |
TRA 45 | 41K | Dominican Republic | General TV station located in Santo Domingo. |
Nile TV Int | 90K | Egypt | General TV station. |
Agape TV | 100K | El Salvador | General TV station. |
Canal_12 | website | El Salvador | General TV station. |
Canal_21 | 273K | El Salvador | General TV station. |
Direct 8 | 210K | France | General TV station from the group Bollere. |
TF1 | 464K | France | General TV station. |
Alpha TV | 280K | Greece | General TV station. |
ANT1 | 280K | Greece | General TV station. |
Mega TV | 270K | Greece | General TV station. |
Skai | website | Greece | General TV station. |
Star TV | 200K | Greece | General TV station. |
Thraki Net | 172K | Greece | General TV station located at Alexandroupolis. |
Guatevision | 80K | Guatemala | General TV station. |
Bamboch TV | 315K | Haiti | General Web TV station. |
RTH 2000 | 400K | Haiti | General TV station. |
RTPI | 273K | Haiti | General TV station. |
Tele Panou | 273K | Haiti | General TV station. |
TeleProgreso | 153K | Honduras | General TV station. |
HKATV | website | Hong Kong | General TV station with recorded news. |
Duna II Autonomia | 300K | Hungary | General TV station. |
Pecs TV | 200K | Hungary | General TV from Pecs. |
RTL Klub | website | Hungary | General entertainment. |
Supernet Piros | 500K | Hungary | General Internet TV station. |
NDTV | website | India | General TV station with recorded news. |
Raj TV | 273K | India | General TV station. |
AFNL | 37K | Iran | General TV station. |
Markazi TV | 222K | Iran | General TV station. |
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